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International activities

In several recent years ECDR experts participated in many international long-term and short-term projects and initiatives concerning rule of law reforms. These include comparative research, designing regulatory and self-regulatory framework, institutional capacity building, and training of key stakeholders, administrative procedure design and recommendations for designing appropriate systems.

Countries of rendered services

Albania, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, FYROM, Kosovo, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.

Scope of services

  1. Consulting and designing of Justice and Home affairs system.

  2. Drafting regulatory framework.

  3. Training of judges, prosecutors, mediators, internal security officials and other beneficiaries.

  4. Administrative support to international projects.

  5. International cooperation in the field of Justice, Home affairs and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

  6. Legal consultancy in EU matters.

  7. Advising on selection of appropriate dispute resolution process and at selection of neutrals.

  8. Organization and administrative support of ADR processes

  9. Running of information and documentation center.

European Law Institute

The European Law Institute (ELI) was founded in Paris in 2011. It is an independent non-profit organization, established under Belgian law. The Secretariat of ELI is hosted in the heart of Vienna, where meetings of various committees of ELI are being held, including its Executive Committee.

In 2014 Slovenian Hub of ELI opened its doors in Ljubljana. Ljubljana was chosen for the representative of South-Eastern Europe and Slovenia gained greater impact on legislative regulation in the EU. In Ljubljana ELI is hosted at the European Centre for Dispute Resolution.

ELI seeks to initiate, conduct and facilitate research, to make recommendations, and to provide practical guidance in the field of European legal development. It is a consultative body of the European Commission, as the latter within it tested an important legal issues and drafting reforms and laws. ELI works through various professional organizations, among them is European Centre for Dispute Resolution.

ECDR is registeredas as provider of domestic and cross-border out-of-court consumer dispute resolution procedures.

ECDR is registered at the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Development of Slovenia and at the European Commission as a provider of domestic and cross-border out-of-court consumer dispute resolution procedures.

Organizational size

ECDR has its registered offices in Ljubljana, Slovenia, a Subsidiary in Zagreb, Croatia and a Representative office in Brussels, Belgium.  

International references 





Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Korea, ITF


School Mediation in Bosnia and Herzegovina


June 2018 – June 2019

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Slovenia, ITF


School Mediation in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Pilot Regional Project for Southeast Europe


August 2017 – June 2018


EBRD - Commercial Mediation in Serbia

To assist Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Judicial Training Academy of Serbia and Government of Serbia with facilitating and promoting the use of commercial mediation on a national scale in order to make the use of mediation a business norm in Serbia.

August 2016 – July 2018

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Designing of three court-annexed pilot mediation projects, supported by local training program and public awareness campaign

Approval of the project by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council

29 January 2015,

to be implemented in 2016

Bosnia and Herzegovina

IPA- Pre-accession Instrument


Assessment of Alternative Dispute resolution / Mediation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

March – September 2015


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, FYROM, Kosovo*


South East Europe 2020 Strategy-Implementation of the Regional Action Plan in the Area of Justice


Report on e-enforcement system on the basis of authentic documents in the region and some EU member states and ‘Model Law’ proposal

Report on comparative overview and analysis of good practices with identification of elements of court-annexed mediation program and comparative study on accreditation and certification systems

Report on court backlog reduction programs and practices and comparative overview of various case weighting systems

December 2014 – April 2015


Budva, Montenegro

Regional Rule of Law Conference 2014

The Judicial Chain: Cooperation in Criminal Proceedings

December, 2014



DCAF: Regional Conference

Regional Conference of Parliamentary Committees for the Oversight of Intelligence Services

December, 2014,



DCAF: Roundtable on Police Integrity

Recent Developments, Institutional Cooperation and the Role of Media, speech: Who watches the watchman?

November, 2014

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, FYROM, Kosovo*


Regional Action plan (RAP) of the Regional Cooperation Council

Support to the Implementation of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy-

Regional Action Plan in the Area of Justice:

RAP for main areas: efficiency of courts, quality of justice and competence of judges and prosecutors, cross border judicial cooperation in business related legal and judicial areas and ADR.

April-July 2014

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Establishing of European Law Institute (ELI) Hub

Activity of ELI in Slovenia in the light of development of European Law

April, 2014

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Designing of Pilot project on court annexed mediation for BiH

Presentation of the project in front of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council

11 March 2014,

29 November 2014

Court of Appeal Craiova, Romania

Designing of Pilot project for Multi-door courthouse in Craiova

Proposal for the implementation of first two modules (out of five) is in the process of confirmation by the relevant courts and the Ministry of Justice.



Designing of ADR project for Kosovo*


Signed Memorandum of understanding on implementation of ADR project with the Minister of Justice of Kosovo*

May 2013

Sofia, Bulgaria

Lectures on ADR at ICC Conference

On-line dispute resolutions and hybrids

How to rise meditation demand?

October 2014

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lecture at TAIEX`s Conference on The exchange of experiences on ADR methods

Court related mediation; lessons learned from Civil and Common Law jurisdictions


Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku International Humanitarian Forum

Comparative Research into Multiculturalism: from Theory to Humanitarian Practice

October, 2014

Laško, Slovenija

Round table discussion

Balanced Leadership in Physiotherapy

September, 2014

Thessaloniki, Greece

World forum of mediation centres (UIA)

What more could Governments do to Increase the Demand for Mediation

September, 2014

Trier, Germany

Training course at Academy of European Law (ERA)

Summer course on mediation, ADR and ODR

July, 2014

Paris, France

Lecture (GEMME)

Mediation: A peaceful means of achieving European justice: on-line dispute resolution

June, 2014

Orlando, Florida

Round table discussion at District Court in Orlando

Collective redress; comparative overview of state of play in EU and USA

March 2014

Huston, Texas

Lecture at World Forum of Mediation centres

Mediation: Judicial perspective here and abroad

March 2014

Brdo, Slovenia

Speech and roundtable debate at the international conference on Promoting a Culture of Mediation and Prevention in the Mediterranean

Addressed issues:

Achieving durable peace and reconciliation through effective mediation – building on lessons learned

Promoting the value of mediation and peaceful coexistence through education, engaging youth and the civil society


11 March 2014


Key note speech at the international conference on Court excellence in a changing world

Addressed issues:

Enhancing Stakeholder Alignment

Empowering the Administrators: Pros and Cons

Economic Instability- Consequences on Budgets and Caseload

What is Court Excellence?

Leadership and Change Management: The Role and Challenges in Change  and Transformation Management in Courts

The Role of Strategic Planning and Performance Management  in Raising the Efficiency of Courts


9-10 December 2013

Tbilisi, Georgia

Key note speech at the international conference on Mediation and Arbitration – Global Developments

Addressed issues:

ADR Hybrids: Neutrals as Chameleons

ADR in Consumer Disputes – Slovenian Lesson Learnt


28-29 October 2013

Bucharest, Romania

Key note speech at the international conference on State, Judiciary and Mediation

Presentation of lessons learned on how to design Court-Annexed Mediation program


5 October 2013

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organizational support, program design and key note speeches at the DCAF`s international conference on Strengthening Security Sector Accountability – Judicial and Parliamentary Oversight of the Security and Intelligence Sectors

Addressed issues:

Impartiality and independence of the judiciary; Challenges and Risks

Judicial authorization of special investigative measures

Fostering International Judicial Cooperation: Overview of EU practices and mechanisms, relevance and implications for Kosovo* (particularly in relation to prosecutorial cooperation in cross-border crimes)

Implications for parliamentary oversight of the security sector

Integrity in the Judiciary

Training of judges and prosecutors

Security of judges and prosecutors


23-25 September 2013

Paris, France

Key note speech at the International Academy of Mediators Conference

Addressed issues:

Mediation in the European Union

Mediation Directive in Practice

Courts, Judges and Mediation: A European Perspective on Mediation

19-21 September 2013

Geneva, Switzerland

Presentation at the Chamber of Commerce

Mediation as management tool

September 2013

Ohrid, FYROM

Key note speech at the DCAF`s  international conference on Security and Intelligence Oversight- Overseeing Information Collection and Information Sharing

Addressed issues:

Internal, executive and judicial authorization for information collection operations

Levels and degrees of authorization Judicial warrants as crucial check on potential abuse

Judges` authority to limit the scope, duration and targets of an operation


24-26 June 2013

Belgrade, Serbia

Key note presentation and roundtable debate at the conference on Drafting National Judicial Reform Strategy for Srebia

Addressed issues:

Strategy goal

Priorities and key principles

Action Plan Legal and institutional framework of the reform

Changes in constitutional framework

Material and financial sustainability

Overview of the current results of the judicial reform in relation to identified shortcomings and the level on implementation of reform activities envisaged by the 2006 strategy

Key principles, strategic objectives and guidelines of the judicial reform (independence, impartiality and quality of justice, competence, accountability, efficiency)

Ministry of justice and public administration

Performance standards (measuring progress, performance indicators)


21 June 2013

Astana, Kazakhstan

Key note speech at the international conference on Code of ethics for mediation organizations


»Code of Ethics: Overview of Best International Practice«



18 June 2013

Koszeg, Hungary

Speech at the international conference on A mediation overview

Addressed issues:

Mediative policy of the EU


14-15 June 2013

Prague, Czech Republic

Key note speech at the international conference on UIA World Forum of Mediation Centers


Addressed issues:

ADR in Consumer disputes



7-8 June 2013

Astana, Kazakhstan

Introduction of Mediation Institute in Kazakhstan

Addressed issues:

Policy design and training

Whether and when to refer disputes to mediation


Who is responsible for coordination of teaching mediation and preparation of trainers?


30 November 2012

Tbilisi, Georgia

Key note speech at the international conference on Current trends of Mediation Development


What could governments do (more) to promote mediation



6-8 November 2012

Sofia, Bulgaria


Key note speech at the European network for mediation, cooperation, standards, technologies


Addressed issues:

New approaches to dispute resolution

Court and mediation

1-2 November 2012

Zagreb, Croatia

Participation at the roundtable of UIA World Forum of Mediation Centers

Addressed issues:

Mediation within a global justice system

5-6 October 2012

Geneva, Switzerland

Key note speech at The 10th

 International Mediation Group (IMIG) Meeting

ADR Hybrids

September 2012

Hague, Netherlands

Key note speech at the international conference of UIA World Forum of Mediation Centers


Visioning the future of dispute prevention management and resolution


June 2012



Key note speech at the international conference on

Judicial Mediation: Best Practices for the MENA Region

Judges as mediators

30-31 May 2012

Gorizia, Italy


Key note speech int. conf. on Cross-border mediation

Cross- border mediation in Slovenia

April 2013


Ankara, Turkey

Key note speech at the international conference on

International conference on legal reforms

What governmental policies support the growth of ADR?

2-3 April 2012


Evropski center za reševanje sporov

European Centre for Dispute Resolution

Tomšičeva ulica 6
1000 Ljubljana

+386 8 20 56 590